A downloadable game

WinterMelonJam Division -> Novice

WinterMelonJam Theme: Charm

Engine used: Godot 4

Why this game fits the theme  --> You play as a lizard in a fantasy world where you fix other peoples/robots/creatures jewelry, increasing that customer's charm!

I have worked alone in the production of this game, from programming to art, but i did use 2d assets and a background music.

I have 5 months of game development experience, due to that, i'm submitting for the novice division

Ground tileset: Cainos

All Characters, except for the ones inside the tents, gold and silver coins, chest and the background image: Grafxkid 

Background music: rustedstudio

In this game, you use the "1", "2", and "3" keys to fix the customers charming items


Charming_Lizard.exe 71 MB

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